











执行委员会 & CFAC代表




CFAC代表/议员= Megan Doney




篇文章中,我. 名字

The name of this organization shall be the Faculty Assembly of New River Community College.

第二条. 目的

The purpose of this organization shall be to participate as an advisory body in the formulation, implementation and review of institutional policy and to provide the means for the faculty to initiate action on matters with which it is directly concerned.

第三条. 功能

1. To accept and share responsibility with administration and students in all efforts to improve the stature and the usefulness of the College.

2. 考虑政策, 项目等行政管理事项, 学生组织, 个别教员可能会提出建议.

3. To express opinion on College affairs as the Faculty Assembly deems appropriate and necessary.

4. To afford channels and procedures whereby communications within the College may flow freely, 全面、系统地.

5. To establish within the laws applicable to New River Community College an effective means for advising and responding to the Administration, 大学委员会和州立大学事务委员会.

第四条. 会员

第一节. Eligibility for 会员 - Persons eligible to become members in the Faculty Assembly shall consist of those members of New River Community College who are permanent, full-time teaching personnel whose primary appointment is an academic rank in a teaching discipline. Full-time teaching faculty below the rank of Division Chairman and Management Council will be eligible for membership. Others eligible to become members include non-teaching persons holding faculty rank who are not supervising faculty. 如果兼职教员愿意,他们也可以成为教员大会的一部分.

第二节. Voting Members - The voting members of the Faculty Assembly shall consist of those individuals who express a desire to be a part of the Assembly by paying a nominal fee, 由行政会议共同商定.

第三节. 客人——那些与行政部门有关的人, faculty and staff who do not qualify for membership may be invited to participate from time to time in Faculty Assembly meeting and/or functions on a non-voting basis.

第四节. - Questions regarding other eligibility for membership in the New River Faculty Assembly shall be considered by the Executive Council and their recommendations shall be presented to the New River Faculty Assembly for a vote.

第五条. 军官

第一节. 组成-教员大会的官员有:校长, 副总统, 秘书/司库和议员.

第二节. President - The President conducts the business at all meetings of the Faculty Assembly and Executive Council. He/she shall appoint all special committees and shall represent the Assembly on the Academic Calendar Committee and at College Board meetings.

第三节. 副总统 - The 副总统 will fill the duties of the President in his/her absence.

第四节. Secretary/Treasurer - The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep the minutes of all regular Assembly, 特殊的, and Executive Council meetings and shall distribute Assembly minutes to all the faculty; he/she shall be responsible for the collection of dues, 对预算的准确记录, 送卡片和鲜花, 一切由大会认为.

第五节. Parliamentarian - The Parliamentarian shall determine questions of parliamentary procedure at all Assembly meetings.

第六节. 资格-教员大会的任何成员都可以担任官员. 官员可根据第4条第1款的规定从成员中提名.

第七节. Term of Office - The President and Vice President shall be elected for a term of two years, 如果得到大会的十大网赌排行榜,可以再延长一年. 秘书/司库应根据需要选举产生,没有任期限制. 前任总统将担任国会议员,任期两年, 如有必要,可以再延长一年.

8节. Executive Council - The four officers as mentioned above and two representatives from each division shall constitute the Executive Council and may meet from time to time as needed as a separate body to consider any matter related to the governance of the organization.

第六条. 委员会

第一节. 提名者须从教职员大会成员中选出. A slate of officers shall be presented and voted upon at the last regular meeting of the academic year. 第二节. 特别委员会-由主席任命, 经全体教员大会同意, 研究特殊问题所必需的专门委员会. Selection of members assigned to the committees and the length of their term shall be at the discretion of the President.

第七条. 会议及程序

第一节. Regular Meetings - Regular meetings are to be held each month of the academic year provided there is sufficient need for such a meeting. 总统将宣布具体时间并公布议程. Any member of the Faculty Assembly may present business to the President prior to the circulation of the agenda.

第二节. 特别会议-特别会议可由主席召集, 以一天的书面通知为准, 其中应包含会议的目的. 不得向会议提交任何附加事项. 如果10%的教员大会要求召开特别会议, 总统将根据第二节的规定召开特别会议, 本条第一款.

第三节. Quorum - A majority of the voting members shall constitute a quorum at a regular or a special meeting of the Faculty Assembly. 进行任何业务都需要达到法定人数.

第四节. Voting - Any voting member of the Faculty Assembly shall be entitled to have the floor and to vote at any Faculty Assembly meeting. 如有法定人数出席, the affirmative vote of the majority of the voting members present shall be the act of the Faculty Assembly except as otherwise stated by these by-laws. 如果没有达到法定人数, the vote may be taken by means of an electronic or written ballot distributed to voting members. For all legislative action, there shall be one reading of the stated motion before a vote is taken. 只有对前一个问题提出动议,辩论才应结束. 这样的动议需要第二轮投票和多数投票. All voting shall be done by a show-of-hands or voice vote except when a secret ballot is requested by two or more members.

第五节. 议事规则-在本规则未指明的所有程序事项中, 罗伯特议事规则, 新修订的, 应适用.

第六节. Adjournment - Each meeting shall be adjourned only upon a motion duly seconded and passed by a majority vote.

第八条. 修订及批准

This constitution shall be ratified or amended by the membership at prescribed meetings by a two-thirds majority of a quorum. 这个文档, 修订前, and any amendment shall be distributed to the membership in writing at least five days prior to the meeting in which ratification or amendment shall be considered.






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